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How cloud video surveillance works

Couple arguments in favor of the cloud service

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Cloud video surveillance is a modern method of video monitoring when camera recordings are stored in the cloud rather than on physical media.

For example, Google Drive or iCloud are also cloud storage. As for the cloud service for IP cameras, it is a more complex system that allows you not only to store video recordings securely, but also to manage cameras, access to them, set up smart notifications and many other useful functions.

An alternative to cloud video surveillance is a local system where data from cameras is processed and stored using a recorder.

What are the benefits of cloud video surveillance?
Here are a few advantages in its favor:


Cloud video surveillance system is economical

For cloud video surveillance, you don’t need to buy expensive recorders or regularly spend money on hard drives, which often fail.

Moreover, cloud IP cameras can be easily connected independently, which means you don’t have to spend money on installation and installation. All you need to get started is internet and electricity.

Cloud video surveillance - remote video surveillance

The ability to view cameras online and recorded is a fundamental feature of cloud video surveillance. Safeco Risk Control offers to our clients a convenient mobile application or web version. Thus, you can control and keep an eye on what is happening from any device from anywhere in the world. The main thing is to have access to the Internet.


Cloud data storage is as secure as possible

Camera recordings are encrypted and securely stored on remote servers. This level of protection is comparable to a banking IT security system. In addition, the video archive in the “cloud” will not burn out along with the hard drive. It will not be stolen or damaged like a flash drive or recorder.

With a cloud service, you do not need to allocate space for the recorder, hard drives and a special PC. All you need to do is choose the location for installing the CCTV cameras.

A cloud product is always a new, relevant and updated technology

The cloud service is automatically updated, constantly improved and each time increases the level of security, eliminating vulnerabilities.

A whole team of developers works on the software every day, making the product better and better, without allowing the service to become outdated.

When purchasing video surveillance with a recorder, be prepared for the fact that in a couple of years, the equipment will become outdated, and it will no longer be possible to update it.


Cloud video surveillance is, first of all, a smart service that makes life easier and gives security. What else can the cloud do? Let's look at an example:

1. Push alarm notification. There is no need for constant monitoring. The system will detect suspicious events and send a notification to your phone.

2. Problem notifications. If the camera fails or the Internet signal is lost, the system will notify you about this. In the case of recorders, the user often finds out that the hard drive is damaged only after the fact of the incident.

3. Multi-user access. You can grant/restrict access to cameras to trusted persons, employees, and family members in a couple of clicks through the application.

4. Quickly search for videos by date and time.

5. Ability to download or share a link to the desired segment of the video on social media. networks, messengers, mail.

6. Broadcast video from cameras on a website or social networks.

7. Video analytics

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