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Violent, destructive burglaries leave Westchester residents on edge

Violent, destructive burglaries leave Westchester residents on edge

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A series of violent, destructive burglaries in a Westchester neighborhood have left residents on edge, worried about the possibility of being targeted next. Several burglaries were caught on home surveillance cameras as thieves wearing ski masks, dark hoodies, gloves and backpacks were seen breaking into homes. The suspects were seen peering into the windows of several homes before shattering the glass to enter. In another instance, a suspect is seen pulling down a security camera to avoid detection. In another instance, a suspect is seen pulling down a security camera to avoid detection. “The burglaries have turned really scary,” said Debra Huston, a Westchester resident. Huston said she’s been speaking out for months now about the troubling spike in break-ins and the increasingly violent confrontations with intruders. 

Source: KTLA 5 News


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