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Handy Metal Detector

Our company provides rental services for jewelry finder. If you lost your jewelry, you can find your jewelry with our jewelry metal detector service.

Rental Services

About us

One of the commandments when working with this power tool is the phrase: “Nothing is irretrievably lost. It's just not in its place. "

The first metal detectors were invented at the beginning of the last century. Initially, this tool was designed to prevent the theft of any metal products from factories. It was only after some time that they began to use it in all other industries, as well as in the military industry.

Do you need a metal detector? Have you lost your wedding ring in the courtyard of your house or decided to walk along the seashore in search of a treasure?

Having decided to rent a metal detector from us, you get not only high-quality equipment, but also help in selecting it for your needs, and introductory instruction on its use.

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Why rent a metal detector? There are several reasons for this:



You accidentally lost a thing very important to you, for example, on vacation, an earring, bracelet or chain unbuttoned, a ring fell into the grass or sand. You know the place where you lost, but you cannot find it. There is no need to waste time, you need to rent a metal detector and carefully examine the alleged place of loss. There is a great chance that the lost jewelry will be found. You can also search for lost items in the snow or underwater.


Domestic situations where a metal detector can be useful is to determine the approximate location of water or gas pipes in order to avoid damage to them. Or you yourself buried something on your site and forgot where, after which you need to quickly find it. In such a situation, renting a metal detector will become a “helping hand”.


You've heard a lot about the passion for metal detecting, but you've never held a metal detector in your hands. And if there is a doubt whether you will like this hobby and whether it is worth buying a non-cheap device right away, the best option would be to rent a metal detector. You will immediately figure out whether you want it or not and which metal detector you personally like the most.


You know the legend of the hidden treasures of the family. In your family, from generation to generation, they talk about family precious things, for example, silverware, which was hidden by your great-grandfather or great-great-grandfather. Of course, such a legend needs to be verified. To check, we recommend renting a metal detector. It is possible that simply objects or awards of your distant ancestors will become an invaluable treasure for you.

How to use a metal detector?

If you are a beginner and are renting a metal detector for the first time, we will give express advice and advice on its use. If you are a treasure hunter with experience and rent a metal detector for the pros, we will also advise the nuances and advise the optimal mode for the first acquaintance. In any case, we recommend that you study the instructions for the metal detector before use, paying attention first of all to the control menu and operating conditions.
Our company provides security equipment rental services for private, residential, commercial, industrial, corporate and business clients.  We can rent out our products for short term or long term depending on your needs. We work with the top brands in our industry and are one of the only professional integrator near you.

Jewelry Metal Detector

You can pick up our metal detector from our office or we have delivery service on your place. We have 2 different models,  jewelry metal detector, standard and professional models. If you have any questions, you can call to us or send your message from the contact form. 

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